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Assessment of the debt burden and the crediting risks of the population of Russia and the Volgograd region

Наименование публикации Assessment of the debt burden and the crediting risks of the population of Russia and the Volgograd region
Тип публикации Статья
Библиографическое описание Assessment of the debt burden and the crediting risks of the population of Russia and the Volgograd region/Proceedings of the Inter-national Scientific Confer-ence «Competitive, Sus-tainable and Secure De-velopment of the Regional Economy: Response to Global Challenges» (CSSDRE 2018) : April 18-20, 2018, Volgograd State University / Elena G. Russkova, Director, Insti-tute of Economics and Fi-nance, Volgograd State University. - [?] : Atlantis Press, 2018. - (Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research (AEBMR), volume 39) - рр. 174-179. - URL: URL: https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/cssdre-18/25896343 DOI: https://doi.org/10.2991/cssdre-18.2018.38
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Год публикации 2018
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